Case Study

Renting Studio


The application allows yoga instructors to rent out the available studio apartment for the scheduled time so that they can take Yoga classes. The application will help our client to build the secondary income for him.

Problem Statement:

Our client was looking to develop a platform which will allow yoga instructors to connect with the students by renting his available space in his studio apartment for the defined slots.


As a solution, we offered a comprehensive solution involving mobile application for students and teachers and a backend to handle the back-office operations. The techers prepare their class calenders from there interface whereas students subscribe to their classes using the platform.


1. UI/UX Design:

Developed application designs in a way that it provides instant information to the stakeholders.

2. Web based backend development:

The backend has been developed using Javacript Stacks . A comprehensive dashabord provides the real-time data regarding availability of studio appartments, scheduling of yoga classes etc.

3. Web based frontend development:

The frontend of the application was developed using ReactJs taking the advantage of Virtual DOM which reflects the data in real-time without refreshing the web page. The application cateres the full flow of e-commerce journey from placing the order to checkout to payment and tracking order delivery.

4. Mobile Development:

The user applications are developed for both Apple and Android devices using React Native stack. The application allows users to book the available studios for yoga classes, view yoga classes schedule etc.

5. API Development:

The RESTful APIs were developed which were secured using token-based authentication implemented over middleware in Microservice enabled Node architecture.


The solution provided the yoga instructors to hire a studio appartment at their will and schedule the classes accordingly. With the classes being undertaken in the resedential area, more students get connected with the teachers there by increasing their incomes. Client also created the secondary income by renting his studio appartment for multiple time slots.

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