Case Study

Health Risk Assessment


The application developed help masses to get an assessment done related to their health based on clinically proven algorithms. The output of the algorithm is a score which indicates how health a user is and based on the score application recommends next steps to be followed by the user so as to avoid the further health risk.

Problem Statement:

With the surge in health insurance premiums, co-pays, high deductibles, healthcare has become expensive to manage. Hence the idea heer is to develop a system which will allow the users/patients to remain healthy by coaching them which will help them reduce their submissions to hospitals/emergency rooms.


As a solution, developed a respnosive web application, which allows the users/patients to under take a health assessment based on various categories e.g. Self Biometric, Stress, Lifestyle, Blood Pressure,, Ethnicity etc. Answers to which are fed to a clinically approved algorithm to determine their health risk score. Based on this score, application provides recommendations on exercise, reading materials, videos, audios etc. which eventually help users/patients to mprove on their health.


1. UI/UX Design:

The designs were developed taking the user experience at the center. Used tools like Figma to create the interactive designs which follow the Apple and Google Design Guidelines.

2. Web based backend development:

The backend has been developed using Nodejs and is very comprehesive. The dashboard screen gives the clear glance of the user's vital in real time about the users chances of hospitalization. The application also involves the development of custom-based algorithm builder.

3. Mobile Development:

The user applications are developed for both Apple and Android devices using React Native stack. The application asks the user with the series of questions and based on the same risk score is generated. This score forms the basis of application features.

4. API Development:

The RESTful APIs were developed which were secured using token-based authentication implemented over middleware in Microservice enabled Node architecture.


The application was a success among the masses who were not able to afford the medical insurance and also among the fitness freak users.

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